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For A Lower Footprint

Support Our Sustainability Goals

At Hexdevices, we’re not just dedicated to creating high-quality Eurorack modules; we’re committed to making our production processes as environmentally friendly as possible. To achieve this, we’ve launched a -GoFundMe campaign-, and we need your support!
Why We Need Your Help
Reduce Carbon Footprint Your contributions will help us invest in renewable energy, energy-efficient manufacturing processes, and sustainable materials. Our goal is to significantly reduce the carbon emissions associated with our products.
Enhance Circularity: We are committed to developing durable products designed with end-of-life considerations in mind. Your support will enable us to implement eco-friendly packaging, and explore innovative ways to repurpose and recycle our modules.
Promote Responsible Manufacturing: With your help, we can adopt more responsible manufacturing practices, ensuring that every step of our production process is environmentally friendly. This includes working with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.
Involve Our Community: By supporting our campaign, you are helping us create a more sustainable future for modular synthesis and setting a positive example for the entire industry. We value your input and believe in the power of community collaboration.
How You Can Help
  1. Visit Our -GoFundMe Campaign- Head over to our GoFundMe page to learn more about our goals and how your donation will be used.
  2. Make a Contribution- Any amount helps. Your donation will make a significant impact on our sustainability efforts.
  3. Spread the Word- Share our campaign with your friends, family, and fellow Eurorack enthusiasts. Every share brings us closer to our goal.
Our Commitment to Transparency
We promise to keep you updated on the progress of our sustainability initiatives. Regular updates will be shared with our supporters, and we welcome your feedback and ideas. For more information about our circularity and sustainability goals please visit our -page-.
Thank You
Thank you for being a part of our journey towards a more sustainable future. Your support not only helps us achieve our environmental goals but also strengthens our community. Together, we can make a difference.
Stay Connected:
Let’s build a sustainable future for modular synthesis, one module at a time.